Start your journey to spiritual wellbeing, here

Comprehensive E-courses

  • Wellness Vedanta

    Beginner’s Program
    Fundamental themes on Vedanta. Diagnostic approach into workings of mind and intellect; and how they determine quality of life. Provides study material, direction and techniques for stress-free living by integrating dynamism in action with harmony in life. Sets the base to launch into pursuit of Vedanta.

  • Sanathana Dharma

    Advanced Program
    Insight into the two-fold organic lifestyle of Vedas - Veda purva and Veda anta. Four universal aspirations of life - Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. Introduces the wisdom of Upanishads and essential qualities to foster spiritual evolution. Prepares one to delve deeper into the study of Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads.

  • Youth in Focus

    Teens and Youth Program
    Education and technique to empower and employ the intellect while making choices; manage pressures from school, Social Media, FOMO etc and remain resilient. Course fosters self assessment, concentration, consistency and determination to vision and follow a goal in life. Sets mind free from lifestyle maladies.

  • Pre-Gita Study Program

    Study the Bhagavad Gita
    Designed to introduce the fundamentals of Dharma Shashtra and bridge the aspirants into the sublime philosophy of Vedanta. Attendees shall gain a perspective on Vedic terminologies, their etymology and their relevance to one’s life. Upon completion attendees may join the study of the Bhagavad Gita.

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